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Foods that works on skin gloss

Red Grapes

Red grapes are an easy and tasty way to improve your skin. This vine-ripened plant contains large amounts of antioxidants and other chemicals that have been used to treat skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema. They're also a natural antihistamine, which means that eating them will reduce the effects of allergic reactions. Remember to always wash your grapes before eating!


Strawberries have loads of vitamin C in them, which helps make skin firm and protects skin cells from free radicals from the sun and other environmental sources. They also contain high levels of anthocyanins, which are present in red, purple, and blue plants, and serve to protect the skin from UVA rays.


Ugly bird = beautiful skin? That's right! Not only is chicken a lean protein, it's also great for your skin because it has high levels of selenium. Like vitamin C, selenium helps the skin keep its firmness and elasticity, and it also has antioxidants that protect skin from sun damage.

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