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How To Get Smooth Underarms

Summers are approaching and so is the sleeveless fashion. Let your underarms go bare without any hesitation. Be in your best form by making your armpits soft and silky to look at your best. Moreover, with various skin products and tips available for you, having smooth underarms all along the summers is no more a difficult task.

Get smooth underarms with a close shave

Primarily, it is important to be careful with the  hair removal method Some important tips include:
  • Getting a close shave

This is the most important step towards getting smooth underarms. No matter whether you are a first time shaver or have been doing it for years, there are chances that you may not get the desired results. However, there are no hidden tricks or secrets to getting smooth underarms. All that is required is a close shave with utmost care and caution by keeping certain things in mind during every shave.
  • Go for a perfect razor

Selecting the perfect razor is the most important step to be taken before you shave your underarms. It might seem to be an easy task but it is quite a challenge to opt for the best suited razor for your skin. Many of you might go for using an electronic razor unlike others who like to use a double edge or ceramic straight razor. The best method of making a choice is through experiment. You can check every type of razor and find out the comfort level while using and the results obtained. However, stay away from disposable razors if you want a close shave.
  • Shave when required

It requires a lot of effort and time to go for a shave every day. Moreover, you may not always obtain desired results even after  shaving  every day. It may cost you out of your pocket to go for professional laser treatments for hair removal. How about reducing the growth of unwanted hair without frequent shaving plus make the skin smoother? One such solution includes thermal devices for hair removal. These devices transmit a het signal to your hair thus removing them and delaying their regrowth. Use of these thermal devices at regular intervals provides thinner and soft hair thus calling for less frequent shaving. Also, avoiding shaving irritation reduces the amount of ingrown hairs, rashes, or pimples.
  • Use a lubricator

Another important component required for obtaining a smooth shave includes lubrication. It is a common disbelief that soap provides a good lubrication for preparing your underarms for a close shave. But, the fact is that soap makes your skin drier thus making it more susceptible to razor bumps, ingrown hairs, bleeding, and knicks. The best and easiest method of preparing your armpits for a close shave is applying a shaving gel or cream as it provides a rash free shave in addition to avoiding unwanted ingrown and stubble hair thus providing smooth underarms.
  • After shave care

Remember; never conclude your shaving procedure without moisturizer application. It is important to apply a moisturizer every time you shave your underarms. After you are done with the bath or shower, ensure grabbing an unscented body lotion thus nurturing your armpits with a nourishing drink. Apply unscented varieties for they are easier on the open pores. Moreover, it gives moisture in addition to removing red bumps. However, applying oil can go an even longer way.

Some shaving tips

Smooth underarms can be obtained easily through a close shave. However, it is important to follow a good shaving routine. Following are some useful tips that may prove helpful in getting the most desired close shave:
  • Always shave after you are done with the shower or bath as this the time when your skin is in its most supple form as well as the hairs are soft.
  • To guarantee smooth underarms ensure a morning shave.
  • Avoid shaving right before entering a pool or going to a beach. If a shave is required before these proceedings, go for it the previous night.
  • If, in any case, your shaving gel or cream has finished, you can replace it with a hair conditioner. Your conditioner would also work as a great lubricant for shaving thus leaving your underarms conditioned as well as producing a great fragrance.

Use a depilatory hair removing cream for smooth underarms

Another option to get rid of unwanted hair in your armpits is using a hair removing cream. There are endless varieties of these creams available for you in the market. You can choose for your special skin type. The steps involved in hair removal with a hair removing cream include:
  • Clean your armpits to do away with any deodorant.
  • Spread the depilatory cream onto your underarms against a mirror. Allow the cream to take the form of a jelly-like stuff thus breaking down the underarms hair. Go through the instructions provided on the outer packing to find out the time duration to leave the cream on the armpits.
  • Wipe away the cream with a damp warm towel. Rub using downward strokes thus breaking down and clearing away any extra underarm hairs. After rubbing away the cream and the hairs, go for a shower.

Get smooth underarms through waxing

Another easy way to get smooth and silky underarms is waxing them.  Waxing  results last for about a month. Actually, your armpits are the most sensitive area in your body. Moreover, the hair growth direction is also capricious. Also, in order to remove the hair completely and make them smooth, the armpits might be required to be waxed in different directions. It is not as difficult as it seems.

How to wax your armpits

The different steps involved in waxing your underarms are:
  • Lie down in a position where your arms are raised over your head. However, if not possible, you may take a position wherein your arms are raised straight without a bend.
  • Spread an even layer of wax onto your armpit. Then, pull up and down the hair removal strip thus removing the unwanted hair. Begin by applying wax on the easy to pull direction.
  • Strike the hair removal strip on the wax in direction of wax application. Pull the strip quickly and firmly in the reverse direction.  Reapply this strip and pull it off in the reverse direction contrasting the previous direction thus doing away with stray hair.
There are some sweat glands in your armpits that ooze a substance containing lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. These substances are eventually attacked by bacteria. Further, hair traps and thus supports bacteria growth and the causes the unpleasant odor. So, if you want to avoid being a victim of this process, remove your underarm hairs to have smooth and sexy underarms.

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