For many women and men, body cellulite is one of the most annoying
problems they are facing with their appearance. While you can lose
weight and exercise to get rid of most unsightly body issues, cellulite
thighs (the most common problem) are much more challenging to expunge
from your life. Below are some treatment options and cellulite
information that might help you solve your own battle
What Causes Cellulite
There is no one single cause of cellulite. Some people do seem to be
genetically predisposed to developing these lumpy bulges. What is known
is that cellulite is caused by deposits of extra fat in the layers under
the skin. When the fat cells expand and impact the collagen in the skin
around them, they can cause the unsightly appearance associated with
cellulite. While some types of cellulite respond well to lifestyle
changes, such as weight loss and increased exercise, other types do not.
The difference has to do with where the deposits are located and their
impact on the collagen fibers in the skin. Making those lifestyle
changes is a good idea because they can prevent the future development
of cellulite in the body but if it doesn’t help get rid of your problem
you’ll find some other options available.
Cosmetic Surgery
When people think about getting rid of cellulite, their first thought
is often cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, liposuction is not a good
choice even though many people use this method. The problem is that
liposuction removes deep fat deposits and cellulite is not deposited at a
deep enough level. In fact, liposuction can sometimes worsen the
appearance of cellulite. A procedure known as Endermologie has also been
used and is more promising because it focuses on the fat deposits
closer to the skin.
Mesotherpy Cellulite Treatments
A more recently developed treatment for cellulite is mesotherapy. In
this type of treatment, herbs and other chemicals are combined then
injected into the affected area. The cocktail of chemicals is designed
by your physician to cause the breakdown of the fat deposits so it can
be flushed easily out of the system and so the skin will smooth out.
Multiple treatment sessions are needed to see complete improvements.
Despite some bruising and soreness in the area around the injections,
mesotherapy has few risks and side effects.
Other Methods
Besides the above treatments, you’ll find plenty of others being
hailed as the ultimate treatment for cellulite. Unfortunately, the
research has now always backed up these claims. Some of the top
cellulite treatment creams include xanthenes, retinoids, and/or alpha
hydroxy acids. While these chemicals do have some benefits for skin
care, the studies that have been one have shown no evidence that they
reduce cellulite. Retinoids are the most promising of the bunch but
large scale studies are lacking.
Body wraps are sometimes considered a treatment for cellulite but
they do nothing to get rid of fat deposits. They only help you eliminate
fluids and even that is temporary. Some types of massage might be
effective, but the results depend on the techniques of the practitioner.
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