Obtaining glowing skin does not always call for makeup and flaunting.
It can be obtained easily through some natural ways. These include
applying some effective home remedies in addition to taking a healthy
Hope this piece of writing comes up to be helpful in obtaining glowing skin in natural ways!
Diet for Healthy Skin
A healthy diet is the primary and most natural step towards glowing
skin. Whatever is eaten gives its reflection on the skin. Putting in
good will obviously give out good. So, if you take more of junk food, it
is obvious for your face to break out or show up unhealthy skin. To
have glowing skin naturally, ensure intake of Vitamin A and C in ample
quantity. Vitamin A helps keep your skin healthy and soft in addition to
reducing oil secretion. Some good sources of Vitamin A include
cantaloupe, potatoes, carrots, eggs, milk, and apricots. Similarly,
Vitamin C is important for production of collagen that supports the
structure of your skin. Also, Vitamin C is quite efficient in reducing
the wrinkles. The best sources of Vitamin C include kiwi, oranges,
grapefruit, apples, red peppers, whole grain cereals, and strawberries.
There are also some other food sources that play a vital role in
making your skin healthy and glowing. These include omega-3 fats that
are helpful in absorbing vitamins thus reducing the levels of skin
inflammations. Best sources include salmon and nuts. Some other good
sources are green tea, dark chocolate, cranberries, and grapes. These
help in providing additional radiance to your skin.
To get naturally glowing skin, you can also add Brazil nuts,
selenium, whole grains, and tomatoes to your diet. For better results,
try taking good quantity of strawberries, raspberries, pecans, and
pomegranates. Besides, oyster intake is also helpful in renewing and
repairing skin cells with contained zinc.
Tips to get glowing skin naturally
There are certain tips which, if followed, can help you get glowing skin. These include:
Stay hydrated
The primary step towards getting beautiful and glowing skin is to
stay hydrated. Ensure an intake of as much as 2 liters of water in a
day. However, this requires to be combined with a good diet that
includes ample amount of vegetables and fruits. It is also important to
avoid junk food as well as oily food.
Treat oily skin
To deal with oily skin, wash your face with a solution prepared as a
mixture of water and vinegar. Those suffering from acne can go for using
aloe vera juice, or a combination of rose water and ‘multaani mitti’ or
sandalwood paste. Another useful option is applying a paste of crushed
cucumber or a paste of cumin seeds mixed with water. You can also apply
orange peels or neem leaves on the affected skin areas. Any of these
applications should be allowed to stay on the skin for about
Marvelously smooth and beautiful skin can also be obtained by
scrubbing it every week (at least once or twice). You can prepare scrubs
by mixing ½cup sugar, juice extracted from a lemon, and a tablespoon of
vegetable oil. Another home remedy is mixing 8cups sea salt with a cup
of unsweetened cocoa, 2cups jojoba oil, 2tbsp vanilla extract, and
honey. You can also try dried and ground orange peels mixed with water.
Remove blackheads
Blackheads can be done away with by scrubbing with a mixture of rice
powder and water on affected areas and allowing it to work for 5minutes,
another remedy is applying honey. Let it stay for 5 to 10 minutes and
then wipe away with a damp cloth.
Face packs
You can also go for face packs as they keep the skin clear for a long
time thus preventing it from sagging. Some good face packs include a
mixture of rose water mixed with multaani mitti, tomato juice and
glycerin; honey added to a mashed ripe banana; or mixing honey to cooked
Besides providing a great body, exercising also facilitates healthy
and beautiful skin. The underlying fact is that work outs send extra
oxygen to the skin thus adding glow to your skin. Moreover, the
endorphins produced during cardio exercise help protect cell damage.
Also, exercise reduces the level of stress thus preventing the
occurrence of acne, wrinkles, and dryness ad providing healthy and
glowing skin.
Sleep well
It is essential to follow good sleeping habits to have healthy and
beautiful skin. Healthy skin calls for good sleeping habits. Not
sleeping properly can lead to dehydrated, dull, and wrinkled skin.
Taking an adequate sleep is the most essential step towards getting
glowing skin. Try taking a sound sleep of at least 8-10 hours. This is
possible by developing a regular schedule for bedtime. This would make
you look and feel refreshed besides adding glow to the skin.
Sun protection
Avoid using a tanning bed. However, if you are going out in the sun, shield your skin using a that contains SPF-15 or even higher. sunscreen
Avoid chemicals
Avoid excessive use of chemicals on your skin. Avoid use of
foundation as it may clog the pores thus keeping the wrong stuff inside.
Instead, try going for washes, scrubs, and cleansers made from natural
ingredients. Besides, if you wish to avoid the use of chemicals, you can
go for honey or aloe vera as they make your face feel beautiful and
refreshed as well.
Avoid smoking
Smoking may cause hazardous diseases like skin cancer. If it,
however, doesn’t, it may lead to premature ageing to a great extent.
Treating your face steam is the easiest and cheapest way of opening
clogged pores besides making your skin soft. It really feels great.
However, just like any other treatment, this treatment also takes a
little time to show up desirable results. To give steam to your face,
boil some water. Take the pot away from the gas stove after the water
has boiled completely and place your face over this hot water. It is
important to cover the face with a towel to lock the moisture and heat
inside. Maintain this position for about 10 to 15 minutes. After you are
done with steaming, the best option is applying a face mask as the
pores are open. The skin can also be steamed under a hot shower. The
steaming process can be followed twice a week. For better results, you
can add peppermint, lemon, or thyme to the water to treat oily skin. To
treat sensitive skin, you can add lime or chamomile. Normal skin can,
however, be treated by adding rosemary, lavender, or rose to hot water.
Another good option to add for glow is green tea.
Keep your skin clean
One important beauty essential is an effective cleansing routine. Use
a natural and mild cleanser projected for your special skin type to do
away with toxins, makeup, dirt, and pollutants. It is better to go for
gentle crèmes, gels, foams, or milks to clean the face. The best option
is to rinse your face repeatedly to avoid pore clogging because of
residues. Also, try going for fruit sugar or coconut based cleansers.
Include fragrance free products to your daily skin care regime thus
avoiding any kind of allergic reactions.
Be gentle on your skin
Avoid the use of harsh face washes, scrubs, and peels containing high
amount of acids that make your skin feel raw. Be careful in treating
your skin for it is really delicate.
Replace your face wash with honey
This is the best remedy to get glowing skin. It is, moreover, the
best way to do away with dead skin thus making your skin glow. So, rather than using a face wash or soap containing synthetic ingredients,
it is better to go for organic honey (raw) to was your face. It would
result in making your skin clean and soft.
Rinse with cold water
For a glowing skin, ensure using cold water to rinse your face
maximum number of times. In point of fact, cold water locks the moisture
in skin unlike hot water that makes the skin dry.
Use a soft towel to pat dry your skin
Treat your skin most gently. Avoid scrubbing your face using a towel.
All that is required is a tender pat and allow it to dry in a natural
Replace moisturizer with natural vegetable oils
Try going for organic and natural vegetable oils instead of synthetic moisturizers to make your skin more clear and glowing.
Avoid alcohol (have a vegetable juice instead)
Alcohol is one thing that makes the skin dry. It is, therefore,
better to take it on special occasions and avoid on other days to make
your skin glow flawlessly.
Natural remedies to get glowing skin at home
Besides the aforesaid tips and preventions, there are also some
natural remedies that can be applied at home to get glowing skin in a
natural way. The most effective and easy ones are:
Papaya pack
Papaya is one fruit which can prove really beneficial to the skin in
different ways. Your appearance and looks are enhanced by eating as well
as applying it onto your face. Giving a papaya massage to your face on a
regular basis can get you a glowing skin. Moreover, being a gentle
exfoliate, papaya massage is also beneficial in removing blackheads,
blemishes, scars, dark spots, and also improves the skin tone thus
adding beauty and glow to the skin.
Eating papaya regularly helps in improving the digestion thus making
your skin glow. Besides, papaya face packs are idyllic for you if you
have an oily skin. Above all, these also help reduce sun tan.
Homemade scrubs
Homemade scrubs are another way to get glowing and super smooth skin.
These scrubs can be prepared by mixing together ½ cup of sugar, juice
extracted from 1 lemon, and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Another
recipe for an effective scrub includes adding together 8cups sea salt
with 2tbsp vanilla extract, honey, and a cup of unsweetened cocoa. Yet
another recipe includes applying dried and grounded orange peels mixed
with water.
Applying potato juice
Not many people are aware of potato being a home remedy for fair and
glowing skin naturally. Potato juice is helpful in brightening the skin
by reducing scars and dark spots thus making it glow flawlessly. Also,
potato juice acts as natural bleach that lightens the skin and further
making it fairer and more glowing.
Coconut water
The purest and most natural drink for your skin is coconut water.
Regular intake of coconut water is helpful in flushing out impurities
and toxins form the body thus improving the circulation. Coconut water
adds glow to the skin besides making it clear and attractive.
Besides, coconut water can also be applied as a face mask for
blackheads and acne. Coconut acts as an effective toner that can be used
in combination with other things to make your skin glow. Using coconut
water regularly on your face can help remove scars and acne thus making
your skin glow.
Cucumber juice
Glowing skin can be obtained naturally by dabbing cucumber juice on
your face with a cotton ball. Besides, placing emaciated cotton pads,
damp with cold cucumber juice, on your eyes helps in removing dark
circles. This would add glow to your skin naturally.
Banana pack
Apply a face pack prepared by mixing milk with a mashed banana on
your skin. This beauty remedy would make your skin smooth, fairer, and
naturally glowing.
Milk and lemon
One of the most effective formulas to get glowing skin is applying
lukewarm milk curdled by adding lemon to it. Let it work for about
15-20minutes and then rinse off. Best results can be obtained by
applying daily.
Glowing skin forms one asset that is coveted by every woman. Having a
beautiful and flawlessly glowing skin is no more a difficult task. All
that it calls for is proper nutrition and an effective skin care regime.
To get glowing skin naturally, try taking diets containing rich amount
of fluids, as well as vegetables and fruits that contain anti-oxidants
in ample quantity. Keep your skin clean, toned, and moisturized to make
it glow naturally.
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